Get command

and control

of your finances.

I help firefighters retire wealthy.

An honest and educated

approach to financial planning,

specializing in firefighters.

Chris Bauchle

Download my free report:

5 Financial Mistakes Firefighters Make


  • While I specialize in firefighters and others with pensions, I work with all different kinds of families.

  • The only requirement is a readiness to go through the financial planning process.

    Over the years, I’ve learned the results you’ll reap are directly correlated with your readiness. We have the knowledge and team to deliver the results, but that doesn’t matter if you’re not ready or don’t have the time to commit to the process.

    Whether you’re in retirement or just starting your career, you have options for how we’ll work together which can be found under the Financial Planning tab.

  • Click the Contact button and tell me a little bit about yourself. We’ll schedule a non-obligation get-to-know-ya call to see if it makes sense to work together.

  • Breaking up may feel awkward, but remember it's a business decision.

    A good advisor is going to respect your decision if you've become a DIYer or if you'd like to work with a different advisor who is more specialized in the financial planning opportunities you have access to.

    While not required, I believe it's best to notify the advisor in whatever way makes you feel most comfortable.

    After that, investment accounts can typically transfer anywhere without fees or penalties. Insurance products, like annuities and permanent life insurance, may have surrender periods that make it in your best interest to leave the funds with the company you purchased the product from until the surrender period is over.

  • Yes!

    Picture this: A health and wellness benefit paid for by the organization where members can receive individualized, fiduciary financial advice specific to their employer’s benefits without a sales pitch.

    More information under the Group Coaching tab!