Group Coaching

Your fire department’s health and wellness program likely focuses on things like diet, exercise, and post-traumatic stress. 

While these things are vital to a healthy career, the top cause of stress in the U.S. is actually personal finances.

It’s important to normalize talking about money because it is directly tied to physical health, emotional wellbeing, and positive relationships.

There are two ways to implement Group Coaching for your fire department or union.

1-on-1 Consulting

A health and wellness benefit paid for by the organization where firefighters and their spouses can receive individualized, fiduciary financial advice specific to their employer’s benefits without a sales pitch.

Group Training

A financial wellness program specifically designed for firefighters and presented by a firefighter. This program is perfect for shift-wide training and recruit classes. The presentation will be customized to your organization’s benefits and cover everything you want your members to know about saving, investing, debt, and insurance.