I help firefighters like you retire wealthy.

If you’re like most public service professionals, you didn’t seek out the job for the money. You spend your time helping others and often put your personal needs on the back-burner. While pensions present a unique planning opportunity, quality of life in retirement can vary dramatically based on the decisions you make today.

Whether you’re at the end of your career or are just getting started, I can help you get organized and on-track to have a worry-free retirement.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • We’ll hop on a quick phone call to see if it makes sense to work together.

  • Take your time, there’s no rush!

  • We’ll schedule a Zoom call or office meeting to talk through what you have in place and what your next steps may be.

  • We'll rank your next steps in order of importance and implement the game plan together.

  • We’ll monitor and revise the plan on an ongoing basis.